postgres Per-User Encryption with Postgres In this article you learn how to apply per-user encryption to the data you store in Postgres. It is quite easy and it will allow you to guarantee the highest level of security and privacy to your users.
ForrestJS Hooks - A truly modular NodeJS App How to create a truly modular NodeJS App where your business values are organized in features and all the necessary infrastructure comes from NPM modules.
Tips & Tricks How to run Postgres for testing in Docker Running E2E integration tests often require your Postgres to be up and running, here are few tricks and suggestions how to do just that.
Communication How to Win Friends and Influence People This book opened my eyes and helped me building up new relationships after my first marriage ended. You will get a list of simple principles to deal with people.
Communication Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake ... said Napoleon, and it took 38 years for me to understand it
free A 100% Free Website with Gatsby and Yes, I am working and hosting this website 100% for free thanks to GatsbyJS and - here is how you can do the same
Tips & Tricks How to keep your server clean of clutter with Docker Vacuum Do you need a smart tool to clean up Docker images after a new deployment? Maybe DOCKER SYSTEM PRUNE is not always enough? Read on!
Tips & Tricks AWS S3 File Names - Troubleshooting How to delete S3 files that contains spaces or non ASCII characters
Tips & Tricks Docker Compose Healthcheck How to monitor containers' status and create a deterministic boot order for your services.
Tips & Tricks Gatsby Begins And so I tried out Gatsby and promptly decided to turn my WordPress-based blog into a static generated website.
organization Best Practices for a Good Team Experience A few tricks I've learned that make collaboration easier.
aws Optional Parameter in AWS CloudFormation Stack YAML The following YAML CloudFormation stack creates an EBS volume returning its reference for further usage in a higher level template. I’ve chosen to use the value “false” for SnapshotId when I have no desire to restore from a previously created snapshot. Description: create an EBS data volume Parameters: DiskSize:
postgres Make it Parallel How to run consume a queue with multiple independent workers in Postgres, and survive!
Tips & Tricks How to optimize Postgres for SELECT COUNT(*) on massive tables How to (slightly) optimize SELECT COUNT(*) performance on PostgreSQL using partial indexes.
Import 2022-12-03 12:45 Apple - Security for travelers sucks Did you know that you can't print any recovery code for your AppleID account? The more you protect it, the more is likely you lose control over it. And do you travel a lot? Then you'd better read this!
Tips & Tricks WordPress on Thin Air How to squeeze WordPress/MySql to the bare minimum memory consumption, and survive.
Tips & Tricks Docker Stats with Containers Names There is a way to get container's names out of `docker stats`, and Docker Humble makes it ridicolously easy for you.
experience What is it like to be a Junior Developer? It's the magic moment in which you realise you can use your knowledge to make some money.
Tips & Tricks Dockerized MySQL Crashes a Lot! Have you ever experienced a dockerized MySQL to stuck in low memory VPS? I did and luckily I found a solution! (yes, I googled it)"
experience The Holy Grail of Code Sharing Codesharing is a concept that is whispered in a low tone around the office, is being shouted loud by tools producers, and is simply misunderstood by the great part of us, IT folks.
data Sleep tight and have a happy Life! Backups are strange animals. In a perfect world you don’t need backups. You put efforts in building a solid backup strategy, you buy external drives, cloud storage and amazing software which you wish you never have to use in life.
experience You'd better Test to save some Rest Since the day I became a developer, I've always feared the "Big What The Fuck".
Communication The Curse of the Proud Developer When bad things happen on a Friday night, you ought to face your fears, seek help with your team, and work together to get to the beer you deserve!